Week 2. Social Psychology

Social Network TedTalk Video “The Hidden Influence of Social Networks” 


Social psychology
The scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the presence of others.



Effects of emotions

The self; the person within

An outlook or psychological approach (happy, positive, etc.)

Social cognition
The ways in which people think about other people and social objects around them

Social Perception
The study of how people form impressions of and make inferences about other people

Social interaction
The ways people interact with others.

Self-concept; Self-perception; Self-Awareness
One's sense of self or your own identity, or strengths and weaknesses; personal goals

The social self: interactions with other people

Social influence
The ways in which a person's behavior can be affected by the presence of others

Social learning
How one learns about one's social relations to others

Group dynamics
The behavior of groups of people as opposed to individual behavior

"You did something nice for me. I'll do something nice for you."

Commitment and Consistency
I promised I'd do it, so I will do it."

Social Proof
"I'm doing it because she is doing it." People are influenced by other's behavior and copy it.

People are influenced by authority to do things, even if they are unpleasant.

People are influenced by other people they like

"I have to buy it now! It won't be on sale next week!"

Structural Functionalism
Looks at big picture of society, as in macro-sociology, and looks at how institutions, marriage, and society as whole works together

Looks at the small picture; as in the individual, family, local schools, or groups and their place in society; interactionism takes this approach

Looks at the Big Picture: population; employment, war, peace, etc. Structural Functionalism and Conflict approaches fit within macro-sociology

Sees the small picture; how smaller groups and individuals function and relate to each other and to society.

Sees the big picture and struggle and conflicts over power or different needs. Fits in the macro sociology approach

Structures that meet the needs of society: schools, hospitals, government institutions and agencies; libraries, banks, courts of law etc.

Vocabulary Quizlet: click HERE.